How Can We Help?
No impact is captured at all/anymore
Before everything else, it is necessary to exclude software bugs that can happen from time to time by doing a complete shutdown and reboot of the target AND the tablet . Regarding the target itself, you must unplug it from the power outlet, wait 5 secondes and plug it back.
If this action does not solve the issue, you can proceed with the following checks
If the impacts are registered on the tablet
1. If, and only if, the impacts are correctly registered and displayed on the tablet BUT not on the target, the “Display holes” option might de disabled in the SQ App. This is a common situation, especially if numerous shooters are using your target on a daily basis ! Indeed, this is a kind of comfort option, that everyone is free to enable or not. To enable it again, open the SQ App and navigate to the User settings menu. You will find the option there.

If the impacts are not registered, even on the tablet
1. Please check that your impact board is correctly screwed to the capture/measure board and the target’s frame. You can do so with a 13mm wrench. The impact board must be strongly screwed, by hand. No particular torque is required.
2. If the problem persists, then the tablet might be at fault. Start by checking that the tablet is connected to the correct Wifi network (your SynQro router or the right target).
Note : As a reminder, in an Access Point environment, the SSID/name of the Wifi network broadcast by the target is displayed at the bottom of the target’s screen. You will find a section looking like “SQu Target 04CD” ; that is the SSID/name
3. If your tablet is connected to the right Wifi network, then check it can communicate correctly with the linked target, by looking into this menu :

There have to be a valid network configuration, and each Auto button must be toggled (green)
For the record :
In an access point environment
Devices section
- Default – – Auto button enabled
Supervisors section
- Nothing
In a SynQro/Router environment
Devices section
- Target X – 10.5.0.X – Auto button enabled
Supervisors section
- Supervisor – – Auto button enabled
4. Please also ensure that the air cartridge/tank of your weapon is correctly loaded and filled
5. Finally, you can also check that the connector of your capture/measure board is correctly plugged into the electronic measure board. It is the green 5-holed connector that is located on the top-left part of you target, under the white hood

6. Finally again, juste to be sure, please also read and apply the “Ghost impacts” and “Missing impacts” articles
7. If your are still facing an issue after all these checks, please contact Sport Quantum’s Support. A return of your target to our workshop will probably be necessary, because a part of the measure system seems faulty.